The Andhra Pradesh government is considering providing nine-hour power supply to the farm sector, said Minister K. Atchannaidu in the Legislative Council here on Monday.
Responding to various queries related to free power to farmers during question hour, the Minister said that the government was bearing Rs. 3,186 crore on subsidy towards free power. He said that instead of three time slots of power supply to pump sets from 4 a.m to 11 a.m, 11 a.m to 6 p.m., and 9 p.m. to 4 a.m, farmers wanted it to be given in two slots. The proposal is under examination, he said.
‘Five star’ pump sets
Another initiative would be to install quality ‘five star’ pump sets which cost double than that of conventional pump sets but they would help in saving 30 per cent of power. The Discoms were supplying quality pump sets to farmers free of cost and the amount could be recovered in three years through the power saved. Another 1.2 lakh new pump sets would be sanctioned under NTR Jalasiri and applications had been invited.
The Central government, impressed with the initiative, offered to give another one lakh five star pump sets to the State, he said. Demand for solar pump sets too was increasing with 4.5 lakh people applying so far and 10,000 solar pump sets would be given this year. He positively responded to suggestion to give solar pump sets on subsidy in Anantapur district and extend the high voltage distribution system.
Steps were also taken to ensure quality power supply and prevent breakdown of transformers due to overload, he said. In case of breakdown of transformers, standing instructions were given to the department to replace them in 24 hours.
Expert's Comment:
Providing free power to the consumers will always burden the Discoms. However with initiatives like providing efficient pumps can help the utilities to save their money. One of the limitation is that the payback will take time.
The Discoms were supplying quality pump sets to farmers free of cost and the amount could be recovered in three years through the power saved. DOE 6