Solar!Solar!Solar! This is the latest fashion statement by energy players. Govt. of India announced 100 GW of solar by 2022.This is very ambitious target which will take mammoth effort to acheive.
However with the introduction of new players (especially foreign players) are agressively taking part in solar segment.But somewhere if you will see the problems like transmission,financial health of DISCOM,efficiency of SPP and many more;you will think its not viable to go for 100 GW by looking at present situation.
Lets discuss the problems one by one:
1- Lack of transmission facilities:
Suppose for instance we are in 2022 and India acheived their target of 100 GW solar.Now we have solar parks,large MW solar power plant in the areas which are far away from the loads.Now to transmit power which is generated by solar is difficult. If solar power is transmitted with conventional grid,then grid frequency problems will occur.India is a country with not much investment in transmisssion segment thus it will create mismatch as everybody will not be able to take advantage of solar. thinking about GREEN CORRIDOR which will be specifically for renewable energy.The transmission problem can be solved if we have huge investment and proper policies. There is a need of more private participation in transmission sector.
2- Finanacial health of DISCOM:
Discom in India are loosing thousands of crore annually.Discom are in such a situation where they will not afford any new PPA. So,now you can imagine who will buy this solar power if Discom will not take. One good example which come to my mind is presently the avg.cost of power in exchange is about 2.4,then also many discom prefer not to buy power. Govt.of India should think about it as till 2022 the generation capacity will increase including renewable generation,
3- Efficiency of SPP:
Solar energy has lots of advantage but it has many constraints also. If we compare with thermal then efficiency of spp is low.Solar energy is not always available, their CUF is also quite low. Recent news published by ET where the India avg plf came below 60 percentage. So you can think when this 100 GW solar will be installed then the efficiency will also get down.
But don't think like I am negative about solar,but 100 GW is not viable for me in near future. If you have any queries/suggestion you can comment below.
However with the introduction of new players (especially foreign players) are agressively taking part in solar segment.But somewhere if you will see the problems like transmission,financial health of DISCOM,efficiency of SPP and many more;you will think its not viable to go for 100 GW by looking at present situation.
Lets discuss the problems one by one:
1- Lack of transmission facilities:
Suppose for instance we are in 2022 and India acheived their target of 100 GW solar.Now we have solar parks,large MW solar power plant in the areas which are far away from the loads.Now to transmit power which is generated by solar is difficult. If solar power is transmitted with conventional grid,then grid frequency problems will occur.India is a country with not much investment in transmisssion segment thus it will create mismatch as everybody will not be able to take advantage of solar. thinking about GREEN CORRIDOR which will be specifically for renewable energy.The transmission problem can be solved if we have huge investment and proper policies. There is a need of more private participation in transmission sector.
2- Finanacial health of DISCOM:
Discom in India are loosing thousands of crore annually.Discom are in such a situation where they will not afford any new PPA. So,now you can imagine who will buy this solar power if Discom will not take. One good example which come to my mind is presently the avg.cost of power in exchange is about 2.4,then also many discom prefer not to buy power. Govt.of India should think about it as till 2022 the generation capacity will increase including renewable generation,
3- Efficiency of SPP:
Solar energy has lots of advantage but it has many constraints also. If we compare with thermal then efficiency of spp is low.Solar energy is not always available, their CUF is also quite low. Recent news published by ET where the India avg plf came below 60 percentage. So you can think when this 100 GW solar will be installed then the efficiency will also get down.
But don't think like I am negative about solar,but 100 GW is not viable for me in near future. If you have any queries/suggestion you can comment below.